Thursday, 6 March 2014

Filming Take 2

We decided Wednesday would be the best time to film and all three of us had a double media lesson and a free lesson last, so we could leave school early to go up London and film, we got permission from Leanne and headed straight up to London to get the shots that we needed. We went back to Waterloo station and got some shots of me almost falling down the stairs on the way out, we then filmed me walking/dancing to music and then checking myself out in the reflection of some office windows these are all shots we need because they are comedic and light hearted, after getting some more shots of the London Eye we walked up Southbank  towards a McDonald's so that I could get a burger for a extreme close up shot where I get all ketchup down me to show the clumsiness of the character I am playing, we then use an extreme close up on Hayley to show her putting lip gloss on so that then we can use a split screen to show contrast between the two.

We then filmed some different walking shots, one being Hayley walking through a crowd and others just the camera following the legs. Another shot we got was me walking along and then suddenly dropping my umbrella and having to pick it up this was also quite a comedic shot. The very last shot of the day that we got was me walking out into the road as a bus is coming, to try and show me getting hit by the bus, we got a few different shots of this as it was very difficult to get a good shot.    

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